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A Wonderful Journey of Lizzy - Part 1

In the middle of downtown, there is a small house which lives in a family. It is my beloved home. I have settled there since I was born. Oh, I haven't introduced myself, my name is Lizzy. I am a girl who likes Disney characters greatly. I have like it for 10 years since I was in kindergarten. I have a lot of Disney stuff, like books, handbags, wallets, clothes, and many more. Almost every week I read a book or watch a movie about Disney, although I have done it. Sometimes my parents didn't believe my behavior and my mother often was angry with me if I watched Disney movies too much. I am 17 years old but still love everything about Disney. I will be very pleased to watch a movie about Frozen which is my favorite Disney character. But one thing that I would very difficult to do. It is about eating fruit. My mother always forces me to eat some kind of fruit, but I didn't do it because I was totally disliked every fruit.

One day my mother just arrived from the market, she bought some kind of fruits and vegetables. One of them was an apple. The apple was light red, like a healthy fruit. It is universally acknowledged that a mother wants her children to be healthy, so was my mother. Although my mother had known that I was totally disliked any fruits, she always bought some fruits when she went to the market. My mother called me to come to the dining room. So I walked down from my bedroom on the second floor fastly.

"What's happen mom?" asked me when I had arrived.

"Lizzy, eat this apple please!" said my mother.

"I won't mom, I have told you that I don't like any fruits."

"Please Lizzy, just one of them. If that my last demand, will you do it for me?" said my mother impatiently.

"Oh, mom! You scared me," I answered.

"I want you to be healthy Lizzy. You should eat some kind of fruits every day, I assure you," said my mother.

"But mom..."

"I desire you eat this apple Lizzy, just one please. Look at this red apple! Their color reminds me to apples in the snow-white movie, so I bought them. Don't you like it, right?" returned my mother.

"Of course I do mom."

"Please Lizzy..." forced my mother.

"Ok mom, I will do such a thing. Just one right?" cried Lizzy hopeless.

(Image source: Pinterest)

My mother looked very pleased to hear what I said before, then she gave me an apple with a smile on her face. I took it forcefully. I sat on the dining chair while eating the apple. After I had eaten an apple, my mother left me alone in the dining room. Soon after that suddenly I felt very sleepy. Even though it was morning and last night I had slept enough. I couldn't walk up to my bedroom, I was too sleepy. Finally, I fell asleep on the dining table and I was in deep sleep immediately.

I felt very quiet when suddenly I heard a strange sound. Because of that I woke up and looked around, tried to find that sound source. After that I was amazed. I looked a different place, I wasn't in my dining room anymore. I was in a small room that had round-shaped. I was sitting on a wood chair, it wasn’t my chair thoroughly. This place was so odd and everything was made from wood. I didn't know where is this, but it was familiar. I felt like I had seen this place.

(Image source: Pinterest)

I looked around and found the source of the strange sounds that had waked me up. It was from a girl who was holding a hammer. She hit the hammer to an odd metal, I couldn't see what is it. She was serious about her action, that's why she didn't see me at all. She was wearing a green short dress, and her hair was so blonde. I was thinking about who is she when suddenly I realized something. She was like one of the Disney characters that I love. The movie that released in 2008. I couldn’t believe it, so I stood up want to see her closer. But unfortunately, I crashed the table in front of me and it makes a noise. Suddenly the girl who had blonde hair looked at me. Oh god! She was totally my lovely Disney character. The girl who lived in Pixie Hollow. I stared and amazed at her, and so she was. She was shocked to see me. But she didn’t shout as I imagined.

“Hi, who are you?” asked her confused.

“Tinkerbell! I’m Lizzy,” shouted me.

“Do you know me?” said Tinkerbell.

“Yes! Of course, I do. I am one of your fans Tinkerbell.” shouted me excitedly.

“Do I have any fans, huh?"

"Yes, Tinkerbell."

I approached her and gave my right hand to greet her. We shook our hands. Tinkerbell was a brave girl because she didn't scare although she really didn't know who I am. But she still looks confused.

"You said your name is Lizzy right?" asked Tinkerbell.

I nodded very eagerly.

"I haven't heard that name in Pixie Hollow. Where are you from?"


"Where is there? Oh yes! I remember I have heard that name when I was on Mainland. Is there a far place?"

"Of course, you will spend about all of the pixie dust," I said.

"Oh. Are you serious? How do you come to here Lizzy?" asked Tinkerbell unbelievable.

"I really don't know. Actually, I was sleeping in my dining room when suddenly I heard your hammer sound, and when I woke up I was here."

"What? It is impossible!"

"But that's real."

We were talking together when suddenly there was someone who knocked on the door. Tinkerbell was surprised and panic.

"What's the matter Tinkerbell?" asked me whispered.

"We forbid to bring strange people Lizzy because there will be a big festival in Pixie Hollow next week," she said.

“Oh, really?”

“I know, can you please go into that wardrobe so that you won’t get caught. I’m sorry Lizzy,” said she brainy.

“That’s one? No problem.”

So I stood up quickly and went into the wardrobe as Tinkerbell told me. When I was in the wardrobe I heard the door sound opened and continued with a man sound. I guessed it was one of Tinkerbell’s best friend who had the name, Terence. He greeted Tinkerbell happily, and then I heard a cheerful voice from Tinkerbell like she was the happiest person in the world. I know she loved Terence just heard her voice. I could only smile at the thought of the blushing Tinkerbell’s cheeks.

(Image source:

I was thinking how good a special movie about Tinkerbell and Terence was when suddenly I remembered my mother. I was anxious imagined that my mother will be worried about me. I didn’t know what time is it. My mother was easily worried about me because her child was only me. I didn’t bring a handphone, actually, it was impossible. While I was thinking anxious about my mother the wardrobe doors opened by Tinkerbell. I could see that she was very delightful. She pulled me out and then we sat down in her dining room again.

“You look so happy Tinkerbell,”

“Really? I couldn’t cover it,” she answered with a blush on her face.

“It’s ok but why do you look like that?”

“Terence invited me to come to the festival next week together.”

“That’s nice, it might be a fun day.”

“I think so.”

Tinkerbell turned away to hide a smile, but I could see that. But suddenly I remembered my mother again and she worried if she knew that I didn’t at home.

“Tinkerbell...” I called.

“What’s wrong Lizzy? Why your face looking so bad?” asked Tinkerbell.

“I was worried about my mother. I have to go home before my mother knows that I have lost,” answered me.

“Is that so? You’re a good girl Lizzy. But how do you go home while your home is very far away from here?”

“Actually I really don’t know, please help me Tinkerbell.”

“Hm... Let see what can I do for you.”

Tinkerbell walked around her home. Once in a while she stopped and looks she was thinking. Suddenly she looked at me and said "I got it, Lizzy!"

"Wait here, I will come back later"

Tinkerbell came out from her home and flew quickly. I didn't know what she wants to do. While I was waiting for Tinkerbell I walked around and looked one by one at Tinkerbell's stuff. There was a lot of used goods and a lot of sketch on the paper. I liked this house, everything was made from woods and leaves except the hammer and the other small goods. When I was watching Tinkerbell's movie I always wanted to go to her house. It comes true, here I was now. I was very pleased to be in this place, but I was worried about my mother if I didn't come back fast. I loved Disney but I prefer my mother.

When I was thinking about a red apple that my mother gave to me suddenly Tinkerbell came in. She brought a little pouch in her right hand and a key in the other hand. She asked me to sit down with her.

"Lizzy, just met briefly I know that you're a kind girl. So I will give you a special gift to go home."

"Really? You're the best girl that I have met. What is that?"

"Behind this house, there is an air balloon that I have made last month,"

"Don't you make it for your use, do you?"

"Actually no, it is for you. Last month I had a dream about you that I have to make air transportation."

"That's why you didn't afraid when we met? Because you have had a dream about me?"

"Of course."

"So what's your plan? It will take a lot of pixie dust to my house Tink, it's impossible. In fact, pixie dust will be exhausted."

"No, it won't happen. I have this, Lizzy," said Tink while gave me a little pouch which she grasps.

"What is this?"

"This is a bag of blue pixie dust. It can use to go anywhere although it is a very far place like your hometown, Indonesia"

"Where do you get it?"

"Terence," said she, smilingly.

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After I got pixie dust, Tinkerbell pulled my hand to come outside. But suddenly she stopped and looked at me. She looked that I didn't wear any footwear and I just wore short sleeve shirt. So she walked to her wardrobe and took one of her green shoes and a green thick jacket. She gave it to me and asked me to wear that. While I was wearing a jacket and shoes, Tinkerbell walked to the kitchen and brought some food which she put into a sling bag. She gave it to me. I was amazed at Tinkerbell's goodness. She is the most generous girl that I have met.

She asked me to wait, she would come out first to look at the situation. I did what Tinkerbell said before. After I waited for a while, Tinkerbell came back with a smile on her face. She brought a pixie dust pouch from the table then sprinkled those on my foot, after that, I felt like my foot was amused. Suddenly I could fly to the air, I almost screamed. Tinkerbell pulled me out. And then we flew together. I was surprised. Oh, mom! It was the most unforgettable moment in my life. I could see a lot of trees, grassland, flowers, wood houses, and many more in Neverland that I had seen in Tinkerbell's movie. It was so great, I couldn't believe it. See it directly is amazing. While I was looking around Pixie Hollow, Tinkerbell pulled me to the air balloon beside her wood house. She asked me to come in.

"Tink! It is so amazing, I can fly! I can’t believe it," I screamed happily.

"Yes, Lizzy! You are so cool, you can fly directly on the first try."

"I really enjoyed this moment Tink, but unfortunately I have to go home."

Tinkerbell smiled and said "You're a kind girl Liz. I will help you. Do you bring the blue pixie dust that I have given to you?"

"Of course. The pixie dust and foods are in this sling bag."

"Ok, then I will tell you how can you go home. There is a compass in this air balloon, you have to go to the east. Don't be afraid, this blue pixie dust is like magic. You just think about where you want to go, then you will there for a while. Not really fast, but you won't feel bored."

"Oh really? It's magic!" I was very glad to hear that.

"But remember! Don't think of another place if you want to arrive at your home, just thinking about it."

"Ok! I got it, I will do such a thing.”

"Sit down here Lizzy!" she asked me to sit on the air balloon.

"I liked you, Lizzy, I want to hear your stories more.”

“Sorry Tinkerbell,” cried me. If I had told my mother about it, I would have settled here longer. But literally, I couldn’t. My mother would worry about me.

“Ok then. Do you want to go now?” asked Tinkerbell sadly.

“Of course, thanks for your kindness Tinkerbell. I wish you all the best. And I hope a great day with Terence will come to you.”

Tinkerbell blushed at my words. She smiled delightfully.

“Ok, take care, Lizzy. You can sprinkle the blue pixie dust now, but remember to think your home”

I did what she said. I took some blue pixie dust from my sling bag and then I sprinkled that to the air balloon. Suddenly it flew slowly. I was amazed and very excited to travel. Tinkerbell came out from it, she smiled at me and said goodbye to me.

“Don’t forget what I said before Lizzy!” after Tinkerbell said that, the air balloon flew quickly with me left her alone in Pixie Hollow.

to be continued ...


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