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A Wonderful Journey of Lizzy - Part 2

I flew on the air balloon. Like Tinkerbell said, I thought about my home which is in Indonesia. While I was thinking, I looked at a beautiful rainforest, river, buildings, islands, and many more. It was so amazing although it was almost night. I liked being in a fairy tale. And I was enjoying it when I saw a lot of wonderful lanterns on the lake. How beautiful! I remembered the Tangled song which the title is “I See The Light”. This scenery is like that. Suddenly I hope to see the main character of Tangled, it will be a great moment. I wanted to see her magic long hair.

(Image source: Pinterest)

While I was thinking about it I felt very tired. And after that, I fell asleep on the air balloon. It was the deepest sleep I’ve ever had. Suddenly I felt the sun. I opened my eyes and looked around, morning came quickly. I could see the sunlight and the sound of birds. I realized something, the air balloon had stopped. But it wasn’t in my home. Instead, I saw many trees behind me and there was a building beside my air balloon. Actually, it was a high tower that I have already seen before. I tried to remember what tower is it. Suddenly I knew, it was the Rapunzel tower in the Tangled movie. Oh, mom, I couldn’t believe it. How can it happen? How can I get lost in another fairy tale? I felt very confused. Maybe it happened because of my mind last night. I thought about Tangled before I fell asleep. Uh! I didn’t like it but I like it. So what should I do?

(Image source: Pinterest)

I took my sling bag and sprinkled some pixie dust to me. After that, I flew to the window at the tower. I entered the window that opened slowly, but suddenly my sling bag caught a nail. When I was pulling it off, the pixie dust pouch was thrown down. I couldn’t grab it, I just looked until it scattered to the ground. I felt like my soul is falling down too. How can I go home if there isn’t pixie dust with me? Oh, Tinkerbell! Help me! I felt desperate, maybe Rapunzel knew the solution. With that thought, I went into the tower. But when I just stepping my foot into the building, someone yelled.

“Who are you?” asked Rapunzel while holding the frying pan over her shoulder.

“Wait wait! I’m a good person Rapunzel, I won’t hurt you.”

“You know my name?” she brought down the frying pan.

“Of course, I am one of your fans.”

“Who are you? I don’t know who you are.”

“Ï am Lizzy from Indonesia.”

“I don’t know Indonesia. But how did you get here?”

“With the blue pixie dust that I had from Tinkerbell.”

“Tinkerbell? She’s my friend.”

“So I am your friend too, I will tell you the story of how did I get here.”

I walked closer to the Rapunzel. There were 2 chairs behind her. I sat on a chair. But Rapunzel still stood while looking at me and holding a frying pan. I smiled at her and asked her to sit down too.

(Image source: Pinterest)

“I know you must be curious Rapunzel because this place is hard to reach, but I can. Will you hear my story?”

“Ok, tell me!”

“Before that, can you put away that frying pan?”

“Sorry,” she did what I said before, and then she sat down next to me.

Rapunzel listened to my story with a very curious face. I told her a very detailed story and her eyes wide opened when I told her about the air balloon that brings me here. And then she ran to the window and looked around to find that.

“It’s amazing Lizzy, can I get there?” shouted Rapunzel excited.

“Unfortunately no Rapunzel, I’m sorry because the pixie dust is gone.”

“What? So how do you go home?”

“Actually I don’t know, instead I want to ask you.”

“Oh, Lizzy! I have never had an occurrence like this before. I don’t know anything, sorry.”

“Oh no, I have to go home because my mother will be worried about me.”

Rapunzel seemed to be thinking and suddenly she said “Aha! But I know who can help you, that’s my best friend on the opposite island. She’s the greatest woman that I know.”

“Who is she?”

“Her name is Elsa, she has the magical ability to create and manipulate ice and snow.”

“Elsa who lived in Arendelle?” asked me unbelievable.

“Yes! You know her too? That’s great, you’ll like her very much.”

“Oh yes! Of course! I will be very glad to see her.”

I couldn’t believe it. Oh, mom! The fairy tales world is narrow. But I like it! I really really like it. Elsa is my favorite Disney character, and soon I’ll meet her. I was very excited. While I was thinking about Elsa and the frozen movie, Rapunzel walked to the table and took a bright golden flower. She came back and gave me that flower.

(Image source: Pinterest)

“Maybe it will help you in there,” said Rapunzel to me.

“Oh, Rapunzel! Is this the magic flower, right? Why did you give it to me?”

“My stepmother gave it to me last night. Don’t you see my hair is brown now? She wants to make my hair gold again, but it won’t happen. It can’t. So I give it to you.”

“Sorry to hear that Rapunzel.”

“It’s ok dear. Tinkerbell had given you the blue pixie dust, right? Your jacket and your shoes are from her too, right?”

“Yes, she’s a kind girl.”

“So are you, Lizzy, because that she give you anything. So I will give you something too, and this is for you.”

“Rapunzel, I touched to hear that.” I took the golden flower that Rapunzel gave to me and put it in my sling bag.

“You said that you have to go home right. Let’s go to meet Elsa! I will accompany you to the harbor.”

After that, we went to the harbor together. While I was walking with Rapunzel I saw many trees, flowers, and many insects. But suddenly it had arrived. Rapunzel directed me to a boat and she called a royal guard to take me to Arendelle. Before I boarded the boat, she gave me her frying pan. She said that it will be useful if there are villains in my way. I took his gift with pleasure.

“Sorry Lizzy, I can’t accompany you to Arendelle. I am happy to see you.”

“It’s OK Rapunzel, this is more than enough. You’re a very kind girl. Thank you very much. I hope to see you again soon.”

After that, I boarded the boat with a royal guard that will take me to queen Elsa. But I didn’t like his face, he looks like a bad person. Uh! I shouldn’t think that. I have to accept it, however, he is a royal guard Rapunzel. OK! I said goodbye to Rapunzel and left the harbor to the opposite island.

When we’re almost there, the royal guard looked intense to my face. I was afraid, but I remembered that I have a frying pan.

“What?” I said.

“You’re a very beautiful miss.”

“Don’t try anything with me!” shouted me.

“Of course I won’t.”

After he said that he paddle the boat with focus, not looking at me anymore. I was quiet and happy because of that. A few moments later we arrived. I said thank you to the royal guards and then left him alone.

(Image source: Pinterest)

I walked to the castle, I know the way because I have watched the frozen movie a thousand times. Then I found the castle, before I got in the gatekeeper asked who I am. I said that I am the queen’s friend, I want to meet her. Finally, the gate opened. I got in easily. While I was looking for the queen, I saw her in the castle garden. I walked closer to her. Suddenly she looked at me and smiled.

“Are you Lizzy, right?” asked Queen Elsa.

“Yes, how do you know queen?”

“Rapunzel has given a bird message to me an hour ago. I was waiting for you.”

“Oh sorry, my queen.”

“Lizzy, call me Elsa please.”

“OK, Elsa.” I smiled at her.

“I know what brought you here. You want to go home right? I will help you. But before that, do you know how to heal someone?”

“What’s the matter Elsa?” asked me confused.

“My sister has gotten fever since last week. I don’t know how to heal her.”

“She is Anna, right? Let me see your sister”

“Follow me.”

Then I follow Elsa to Anna’s bedroom. Anna looked very weak in her bed. I walked to see her closer, then I introduced myself.

“Hi Lizzy, I’m Anna,” said Anna weakly.

“Oh, Elsa! Maybe I know how to heal her.”

Then I took the golden flower in my sling bag that Rapunzel had given to me.

“It’s from Rapunzel, I assure you that it can heal someone.”

“Really? How can it happen?” asked Elsa.

“Anna should eat a flower petal then she will be healed and also she can heal someone else. But her hair will turn gold color. Is that OK?”

“It’s like Rapunzel, right?”

“Of course. Will you try it Anna?” asked.

“Yes, whatever it is I will try,” said Anna.

Then she ate a flower petal quickly. After that, there was a light on Anna. It came true, her hair turned gold and also her face looked healthy. I was amazed and happy. It was magic.

“Oh my god! Thank you, Lizzy, I felt healthy,” said Anna excited.

“Rapunzel right. It will help someone.”

“My sister is healed. Then I will help you, Lizzy,” said Elsa.

“Follow me!” she continued.

I follow her to a castle library and then I saw her looking for a book. After she got a book, she read it carefully.

“Oh! Here it is! I know how to bring you back to your home. Before that, I am very glad to see you Lizzy, thank you for your help to my sister.”

“It’s OK Elsa. I was very happy to see you, you are my favorite.”

“Oh Lizzy, I wish you were here longer.”

“So am I. But I have to go home, my mother will be worried about me.”

“OK. I know a spell that can bring you home. Stay there Lizzy and close your eyes.”

She spelled out something that I couldn’t hear. Then she held my shoulder hardly. After that, I was shocked and opened my eyes. Suddenly I was in my dining room again, and my mother was calling me loudly.

“How can you fell asleep in here Lizzy?”

“How long I sleep in here mom?”

“Almost an hour dear.”

I wanted to laugh, with an hour I had met Tinkerbell, Rapunzel, and Elsa in my dream. But it was the most wonderful journey that I ever had. And I remembered that before I fell asleep and got a wonderful dream, I had eaten an apple. OK, mom! Start from now I will like every fruit.

The end.


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